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ARK fundraising gala raises £15.6 million

Howard Lake | 9 June 2009 | News

The eighth annual fundraising gala for children’s charity ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) last week raised £15.6 million from 800 guests in one night for new programmes in health, child welfare and education.

Founded in 2002 by Arpad Busson and senior figures in the alternative investment industry, the charity raises multi-million pound sums at each of its dinners. Its first dinner in 2002 raised £2 million but by 2007 the dinner raised £26 million and £25.5 million in 2008.

The charity has so far raised more than £115 million.


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ARK aims to apply “the same principles and disciplines to managing the charity as it would to running a business, focusing on the transformation of children’s lives through rigorous research, monitoring and evaluation”.

