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Interview with Virgin Money Giving’s Executive Director

Virgin Money Giving branded clappers at the London Marathon

Virgin is the new sponsor of the London Marathon and Virgin Money Giving its new entry to the online fundraising sector. The online donation service aims to offer lower charges to charities and help grow the total raised online for charities.

UK Fundraising’s Howard Lake met Jo Barnett, Executive Director of Virgin Money Giving, to find out more.

Virgin Money Giving's office
Virgin Money Giving’s office in London. Photo: Howard Lake

He asked her about Virgin Money Giving’s services, its pricing model, how much she thought it could expand the online giving market, whether it will partner with other major sporting events in addition to the London marathon, and whether cost was really such an issue for charities in selecting an online fundraising service provider.


Some of the questions had been suggested by other fundraisers and agency staff via Twitter.

Jo Barnett, Virgin Money Giving

