The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

The Times' headline reports "donations dry up"

Howard Lake | 20 December 2008 | Blogs

The Times’ headline today reports that “charities across Britain are being forced to cut staff and services following a dramatic fall in donations from businesses and the general public.”
In Charities cut services as donations start to dry up, the newspaper reports that “one in three organisations expects to lay off staff within months, with smaller charities fearing for their survival. Money held by the sector has fallen by 13 per cent over the past year”.
It reports that NSPCC, Shelter and Oxfam have laid off staff, although these losses have been reported over a period of months.
The newspaper based its figures on an “interim survey” by ACEVO of 260 large charities which “shows that [their] investments have fallen from £269 million to £235 million in the past 12 months.” In addition “demand for services is up 18 per cent”.
According to The Times, the final survey results will be presented to ministers early in the new year.

