Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Getting people to talk….

Its amazing what the right few questions can get people to talk. And its amazing what they tell us when we ask..
We had conducted some research by asking some questions about video wills. The research was conducted by our PR agency Good Relations for Remember a Charity and it was designed to gain an insight into attitudes around how people approach taking care of everything that’s important to them at the end of their life. This broader approach allows us to move away from the narrow perspective of just wills – ways to talk, gifts, heirlooms, stories, what you feel and want to say….
The research revealed that 63% would consider a video will as a way to support a formal written will with 70% viewing it as helpful to avoid conflict. 55% thought it would be a good way to tell their family they loved them. 49% thought it would be a way to explain the gift they had left to charity. So, through this means we had talked about wills, love, heirlooms, avoiding conflict, giving to charity and how to take care of everything that’s important.
Open it up and people will consider, respond and act. Last week we secured a spot on BBC Breakast (I have written a behind the scenes account of a somewhat surreal experience on my personal blog on together with a link to the video of the interview.) And next week we have a radio day. It spurs us to consider what questions we ask our donors and more importantly what we do when they respond…..

