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Searching the Charity Commission website for trustees, patrons, beneficiaries, etc

Howard Lake | 2 December 2008 | Blogs

Every now and again, someone expresses disappointment that it is not possible to search the Charity Commission website for trustees. I have only just realized that it is possible to do so, although you might also identify where someone is a patron, vice-president, etc.
Use your favourite search engine to search the Charity Commission website. For example, you could enter searches like: branson Richard rothschild evelyn
In the past, this sort of search didn’t necessarily work, because I used to try, and that hyphen was interpreted as an instruction to search without commission, apparently depending on what servers happened to be in use when the search was conducted. Well, whatever, it seems to work OK now. Do bear in mind that the precise name for any trustee is not necessarily what they are generally known as, and might even vary from one charity entry to another.
All the best

Finbar Cullen


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