Everyclick launches online giving platform

Howard Lake | 6 August 2008 | News

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Everyclick’s has extended its online fundraising services beyond its search engine by offering an online giving platform. It will enable charities, including smaller organisations, to collect online donations, power supporters’ sponsorship pages, and run online appeals.
Everyclick believe that the new service will prove beneficial for smaller charities who have not been able to fundraise online. According to nfpSynergy, only 41% of charities with a turnover of less than £1 million have the facilities to collect online donations.
Polly Gowers, Founder of Everyclick said: “Currently just 2% of the UK’s £8 billion donated to charity is given online. Think of how this compares to how many of us buy a holiday or bank online.
“Our aim is to power a ‘virtual collection tin’ on as many websites, blogs and social network pages as possible and see online giving become as popular as online shopping.”
The new services are available both via the Everyclick website and on other sites that integrate them using Everyclick’s new widget.

