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EasyJet launches third year of onboard collections for Anthony Nolan Trust

Howard Lake | 14 July 2008 | News

EasyJet staff with Anthony Nolan Trust banners beside an aircraft
On-board collections made Easy

EasyJet launches third year of onboard collections for Anthony Nolan Trust

For the third year running passengers on board EasyJet flights during the summer will be encouraged to donate their change and help recruit lifesaving donors for the Anthony Nolan Trust.

England World Cup winner and Lions Rugby star, Will Greenwood MBE, launched this year’s campaign for the leukaemia charity.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

EasyJet has already raised a £1.3 million in total for The Anthony Nolan Trust after carrying out on board collections during the summers of 2006 and 2007. The charity reports that this has enabled it to recruit approximately 18,000 new donors to the bone marrow register.

EasyJet on-board collections will take place on all flights starting on 14 July through to 26 September 2008. A proportion of the money raised will be given to other bone marrow registers in Europe.


