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Spencer du Bois supports Hope and Homes for Children

Howard Lake | 11 July 2008 | News

Hope and Homes for Children, the charity dedicated to finding a family for the orphans and vulnerable children across Central and Eastern Europe and Africa has appointed branding experts Spencer du Bois to develop its brand positioning and identity. The project’s goals are to increase fundraising and profile, to maximise Hope and Homes for Children’s direct support for Children and improve their influence in how Governments and other NGOs approach these issues.

Hope and Homes for Children is the leading organisation devoted to closing orphanages and placing children orphans within a loving family. Since 1994 it has been responsible for the direct closure of 12 institutions in Central and Eastern Europe and influence the closure of at least 25 others. It is aiming by 2009 to close at least 50% of the remaining institutions in Romania and 20 more in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.

Hope and Homes for Children logo


Max du Bois, Executive Director declares: “We were shocked by the effects that orphanages have on children and utterly amazed and inspired to see all the wonderful work Hope and Homes for Children has achieved; they are literally a ‘hope in hell’”.

The charity works closely with governments and agencies, and needs to create a stronger identity to raise awareness of its work with these key audiences. The new identity will roll out from next week.

John Spencer, Creative Director at Spencer du Bois, says: “The old logo was complicated, lacked impact, and was no longer relevant to what they do. It was drawn in a child-like way (but not by a child) and featured a symbol of a house within a heart. The new logo avoids the visual clichés associated with children’s charities by retaining the heart to convey the love and warmth of a family. The heart, of which there are six versions, has been coloured by children. Some have used crayon whilst others have used felt pen or paint. Children are central to the charity’s work, so it seamed fitting that they should be central to the Hope and Homes for Children logo and visual brand.”

Beth Maughan, Head of Communications at Hope and Homes for Children says:
“We are thrilled with the new identity and feel it reflects that we are an influential and dynamic organisation that is making a real difference. Perhaps most importantly it clearly shows that the needs and rights of children are central to all that we do. From the outset, Spencer du Bois impressed us with their empathy for our work and their understanding of us as an organisation. They were not afraid to challenge our thinking and move us out of our comfort zone; as a result we have an identity that is going to play an important role in the development of our organisation in the UK and oversees”.

About Spencer du Bois

Spencer du Bois is a branding consultancy that challenges attitudes and helps to change the way people think. It works with organisations whose ambitions go beyond the bottom line to make a real difference. SdB’s clients include charities, educational and cultural institutions, government, professional associations and socially engaged companies.

This press release can be downloaded from and associated images viewed at www.prmandarin.co.uk

For more information contact:

Clementine Bohee or Nick Bowman

T: 020 3117 0000

E: cl********@pr********.uk

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