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Company Solutions offers new trusts application service

Howard Lake | 8 May 2008 | News

Company Solutions logo - gold and silver jigsaw pieces fitted together
Company Solutions

Following a successful trial, fundraising consultancy Company Solutions has announced its trust application service. It is designed to help causes raise money from small and medium-sized trusts for general running costs or ongoing projects.
The applications are drawn up with the charity and will be signed by a charity representative, but all the research and administration would be handled by Company Solutions.
In the company’s test, its application for general running costs to 100 trusts produced £5,950 in four months, and its second test to an additional 50 trusts produced £10,000 in the first week.
Gareth Edwards of Company Solutions said: “We specialise in finding many of the trusts that appear in none of the directories, CD roms or web services available”.
The fees for the new service, including research, identification, drawing up of the approach, administration and postage, is £500 plus VAT for the first 50 applications, with additional applications for the same cause at £7 plus VAT each.

