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Body Shop Foundation donates £55,000 to The MicroLoan Foundation

Howard Lake | 18 January 2008 | News

The grant will fund the set-up costs of the MicroLoan Foundation (MLF) branch in central Malawi over a period of two years, at the end of which it is expected to be self-funding.
The decision to sponsor an entire branch comes after an initial grant to the MLF of £2,000 by the Body Shop Foundation in May 2006 proved successful.
Debbie Osborne, Grants Manager for the Body Shop Foundation said: “As part of our commitment to finding long-term solutions to poverty and social injustice in the world, we are very proud to be able to fund the establishment of a loan office in Malawi. We are confident that this will make a huge difference for women and their families in the Mzimba area, and will support them as they achieve sustainable livelihoods for their communities.”
The Body Shop Foundation supports innovative global projects working in the areas of human and civil rights, and environmental and animal protection. As The Body Shop International Plc’s charitable trust, it is funded by annual donations from the company and through various fundraising initiatives. Since 1990 it has donated over £10 million in grants.

