Lloyds TSB NI deadline

Howard Lake | 20 September 2007 | News

The next deadline for the Lloyds TSB Foundation for Northern Ireland is 12th October. The overall policy of the Foundation is to support underfunded charities which enable people, especially disadvantaged or disabled people, to play a fuller role in the community.

Recently Lloyds had a call for larger, long term grants under the Creating Change programme but its standard grants programme usually provides grants in the range of £1,000 to £6,000. This grant progamme will support:

–Community Services:
Family Centres, Youth and Older People’s Clubs, After Schools Clubs, Play Schemes (not salaries), Help Groups, Child Care Provision.


–Advice Services:
Homelessness, Addictions, Bereavement, Family Guidance, Money Advice, Helplines.

–Disabled People:
Residences, Day Centres, Transport, Carers, Information & Advice, Advocacy.
–Promotion of Health:
Information and Advice, Mental Health, Hospices, Day Care, Home Nursing, Independent Living for Older People.
–Civic Responsibility:
Juveniles at Risk, Crime Prevention, Promotion of Volunteering, Victim Support, Mediation, Rehabilitation of Offenders.
–Cultural Enrichment:
Improving participation in and access to the arts and national heritage for disadvantaged and disabled people.

The objective in this area is to enhance educational opportunities for disadvantaged and disabled people of all ages.

Projects which help socially excluded people develop their potential and secure employment.
Employment training (for disabled and disadvantaged people)
Promotion of life skills, independent living skills for disabled people.
Enhancing education for disabled young people, pre-school education, literacy skills (where no other support is available).

Application forms can be downloaded from the Lloyds’s site.

