British Red Cross launches UK floods appeal

Howard Lake | 23 July 2007 | News

The British Red Cross has launched a National Floods Appeal in support of the communities affected by floods throughout the UK. Within an hour the appeal total had passed £300,000, with several donations from companies including HBOS and Tesco.

The British Red Cross said that funds raised “may be used to support individuals in hardship, support community recovery activities, local appeals and community groups”.

Describing the national appeal as “unprecedented”, the charity said that it will cover flooding events throughout the UK. This will include floods in the North of England that preceded the appeal launch, events in progress, and any events that occur “within a reasonable period following the launch of this appeal”.


Donations can be made online, via the phone on 0845 054 7200 (quoting National Floods Appeal), via local Red Cross Shops, or by cheque.

