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Charities invited to enter The Queen's Awards for Enterprise

Howard Lake | 17 July 2007 | News

Applications are now being invited for the annual Queens’ Awards for Enterprise from UK-based organisations excelling in international trade, innovation or sustainable development. Because the Awards are commonly seen as being applicable only to for-profit companies, organisers are particularly keen to see more entries from charities.

Stephen Brice, Secretary to The Queen’s Awards Office, explained the focus on charities. “Over the years” he said, “there have been a number of winners from the charity sector in The Queen’s Awards, but I’m convinced there are many more worthy organisations out there who could be in line for an Award.

“The Queen’s Awards are all about celebrating the best examples of British-based businesses, large and small, from every sector. They also bring substantial benefits to winners in terms of reputation and recognition.”


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Any organisation with two or more employees can apply for a Queen’s Award. This year, 119 Awards were announced on 21 April, Her Majesty’s Birthday. Winners benefit from extensive publicity, boosts to staff morale and use of the Queen’s Award Emblem for five years.

The deadline for entries for the 2008 Awards, which this year can be made online, is midnight on 31 October 2007.

Meanwhile, nominations are now also being sought for The Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion, an Award for individuals designed to reward those who have played an outstanding and significant role in promoting the growth of enterprise or entrepreneurial skills and attitudes in others. Individuals can be nominated online by colleagues, associates or beneficiaries of their work.

