Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

NSPCC campaign offers build-you-own online badges

Howard Lake | 18 May 2007 | News

The NSPCC’s Don’t Hide It campaign is making use of the popularity of online widgets and badges by encouraging supporters to design their own badge for the campaign and post it on the blog, or social networking site page.

The site offers a range of backgrounds, colours, fonts, and animation effects, so buttons can be created in a couple of minutes or so.

Badges can be emailed to friends and added to a gallery on the NSPCC site. All buttons by default include a link to the donthideit.com website.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

UK Fundraising tried out its artistic talents:

Within the first three days of the campaign around 400 badges had been created.

The site and campaign were relaunched to include this new Web 2.0 facility, following successful activity last year. This year’s online campaign will run for four weeks.

