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Bmycharity offers free online fundraising for clients' recommended charities

Howard Lake | 6 March 2007 | News

Online events sponsorship and donations provider Bmycharity is offering free online fundraising to charities who are recommended to them by their current clients. Clients nominating charities will also receive £1,000 worth of free online fundraising for every charity they recommend who signs up before the end of March 2007.

Established in 2000, Bmycharity offers services with no monthly fee so that charities pay only the transaction fees on donations actually raised.

“We are committed to driving down the costs of online fundraising and we believe that online fundraising is a crucial part of the fundraising mix for every charity – large and small”, said Sacha Anthony, head of charity services at Bmycharity.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

“This offer relies on our great network of clients to recommend charities they think we should be working with. So we can expand our client base to those charities we feel are as committed as we are to efficiency in fundraising.”

Bmycharity have calculated that for every £100 raised through their services an extra £13 is available for service provision, after their costs, due to the increase in Gift Aid and reduced administration costs.

To benefit from this offer, Sacha Anthony advised: “Simply ask your friends who use Bmycharity to nominate you, and join us by the end of March.”

Bmycharity’s existing clients include Oxfam, Children with Leukaemia, World Vision, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, Whizz Kidz and Cancer Research UK.

