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Institute announces results of October's 'Innovation Zone'

Howard Lake | 5 February 2007 | News

The Institute of Fundraising has announced the results of its second quarterly ‘Innovation Zone’ in which an independent panel assess new and innovative fundraising services or products.

At the latest Innovation Zone, which took place on 16 October 2006, the panel assessed Long-form Direct Response TV (DRTV) presented by MC&C, and presented by Move for Good.

Long-form DRTV is a 15-minute long direct response infomercial shown back-to-back in a 30-minute slot on a UK multi-channel television station at the time and on the channel chosen by the charity, with 82 channels to choose from. Repeated exposure is designed to build empathy in viewers “and results in conversion rates of 80-90% vs 30% from short-form DRTV”.


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Move for Good is based on the premise that, when donors move, they often fail to notify charities they support, resulting in lost contact for the charity and ultimately, lost donations. Home moving also sees a large amount of money being spent in a short period of time, which at the moment, charities do not tap into. Move for Good finds donors an estate agency that will sell their home and passes the donor’s details to the agency.

The panel of Organisational members of the Instititute gave each product a rating on the scale of 1-5, (1*-low, 5*****-high).

Long-form Direct Response TV (DRTV):

Practical application **
Innovation ****
Fundraising Potential ***

Move for Good:

Practical application ****
Innovation ***
Fundraising Potential ***

Lindsay Boswell, Chief Executive of the Institute of Fundraising, explained why the Innovation Zone had been established:
“Charities are often contacted by suppliers and agencies trying to sell them a new fundraising idea, which they don’t have time to investigate. That is where the Innovation Zone comes in. As well as encouraging new ideas, Innovation Zone acts as a filter.”

The findings of the Innovation Zone Panel have been published in a full report, available exclusively to Organisational members of the Institute of Fundraising. A summary report is also available for other interested parties via the Institute’s website.

The panel will re-convene in on 28 February 2007 to assess new products and services. The closing date for applications is 19 February.

