Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Analysis in Fundraising group seek Pub Quiz teams

Howard Lake | 15 January 2007 | News

The Analysis in Fundraising special interest group of the Institute of Fundraising is holding a new year’s social event in London on 18 January and are inviting teams to join them in a pub quiz. Join them to test your knowledge on fundraising, analytics “and lots of general knowledge and trivia”.

The group describe the event as “one of the best networking events for geeks, fundraisers, tekkies and agencies”.

The pub quiz costs £10 to enter, and prizes include £100 donated by Occam Direct. The quiz master will be Nick Mason – not the Nick Mason of Pink Floyd but he of the almost-as-famous Occam Direct Marketing.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Teams taking part alerady include “The IT-Men”, CancerBackup, WaterAid and a suppliers team.

The social event takes place on 18 January from 18.00 with the pub quiz starting at 20.00. The venue is the Phoenix Arts Club on Charing Cross Road, halfway between Tottenham Court Road and Leicester Square tube stations.

All profits from the evening will be donated to local charity The Connection at St Martin’s which each year helps over 6,500 people find routes away from homelessness towards a secure and independent lifestyle.

To book a place at the event email Stuart McCoy.

