Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Tax-effective Charitable Giving reviewed

Howard Lake | 22 November 2006 | News

Tax-effective Charitable Giving by Andrew Burgess has been reviewed by John Godfrey of Artful Sponsorship & Fundraising.

John Godfrey writes: “I began this book thinking that there would be more information contained in it than the typical fundraiser was likely to need or want to read. However, I finished it with a changed view having picked up some useful information along the way and I would recommend that it sit amongst the books in the shelves of any serious or responsible Director of Development.”

He points to some deficiencies in the book, not least the fact that it has been overtaken by changes such as the Charities Act, the Inland Revenue becoming HMRC, and payment for admission to charitably registered attractions.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

At the same time he says that he learned some useful information on Gift Aid.

Read his review in full.

