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Plan Ireland tests door to door

Howard Lake | 11 June 2006 | News

Plan Ireland, the Irish division of international humanitarian organisation, Plan International, begins a test door-to-door campaign today with professional fundraising organisation, Fundraising Initiatives.

The door-to-door test will run simultaneously with the charity’s current street activity. Both campaigns will be promoting child sponsorship. Plan Ireland are diversifying into door-to-door having assessed the success of door-to-door campaigns by other overseas Plan divisions, particularly for the recruitment of middle aged donors that research has shown become highly involved in Plan’s work.

The campaign will run for a month and will target households in Dublin, Cork and Galway with the objective of recruiting 1000 new donors at a high value monthly ask. The campaign is part of the charity’s ongoing donor acquisition strategy. According to Plan Ireland’s last accounts they had over 2500 donors giving an average of ‚€22 per month.


Great Fundraising Organizations book - available now

Fundraising Initiatives face-to-face activities incorporate door-to-door, events and private sites fundraising.

