Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

New web guide to lottery funding

Howard Lake | 28 April 2006 | News

All the Lottery funders in the UK have collaborated to create “Lottery funding”, a new single web resource offering information and advice on current Lottery funding programmes across the UK.

The site allows you to search for information on current funding programmes across the UK.

You can search by the location of your project, the amount of money you are applying for, the type of project, and the type of applicant (e.g. schoo, individual, community group, or parish/town council).


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The site, published in English and with some areas also available in Welsh, enables prospective applicants to explore funding opportunities available in Engand, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and across the UK. The Lottery funders operating in each area are also listed.

The website was created by technology solutions company Amaze for the Big Lottery Fund.

