Cancer Research UK launches new Dine@Mine event

Howard Lake | 27 February 2006 | News

Cancer Research UK is encouraging people to raise funds without stepping out of their front door by hosting a dinner party with friends or family.

Dine@Mine events will take place across the UK on 2 and 3 June 2006. Instead of bringing flowers, chocolates or a traditional dinner party gift, guests will be asked instead to make a donation to Cancer Research UK. This can be donated before the event through the party host’s own online fundraising party page provided by the cancer charity.

Cancer Research doesn’t mind if participants are experienced dinner party hosts or complete novices. Registered hosts will receive a Dine@Mine pack with all the ingredients to make the evening a success, including a selection of recipes from celebrity chef John Torode and dinner party tips and themes.


The campaign is being managed by Jools Tait, Head of Special Events at Cancer Research UK.

Registrations will be accepted between March and 21 April 2006.

