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RSPB promotes gifts catalogue with online affiliate programme

Howard Lake | 20 December 2005 | News

RSPB is promoting its Good Nature Gifts catalogue online using the Affiliatefuture affiliate marketing service.

RSPB’s catalogue is another example of the “alternative” gifts catalogues offered by a growing number of charities whereby donors ‘buy’ for a friend or relative a quirky gift which is in effect a targeted donation. Gifts available this year include a sheep, a meadow, and even a chainsaw.

The charity’s catalogue focuses on saving species. For example it is offering supporters the chance to buy care for a vulture chick and thereby help save vultures from extinction. Customers receive a card to tell them how their gift has been used to save the bird species.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Using Affiliatefuture, RSPB is offering up to 15% commission on sales that website owners generate for the Good Nature Gifts catalogue. This offer runs until 25 December 2005.

The charity is careful to require that participating affiliates do not use the RSPB brand name in any paid search bidding they might undertake to promote the offer.

Creative adverts for the campaign offer a Christmas-driven and humorous approach:

