Experian reports average 10% drop in number of charity donors

Howard Lake | 16 December 2005 | News

Customer relationship management specialist Experian has analysed 80,000 charity questionnaires completed by the public in the past five years and concluded that the number of charity donors across all charity sectors has dropped by 10% on average. Animal welfare charities have seen a 24% drop in donor numbers.

Experian’s Data Insight Team reported that 50% more women than men donated to charity in 2005, and women aged 18 to 30 were the most active in donating to charity.

Experian added that, although environmental organisations were securing almost a third more donors than five years ago, the number of donors to humanitarian charities had dropped by 8% in the past five years.


However, both the RSPCA and British Red Cross told Third Sector magazine that they disagreed with Experian’s conclusions, especially with regard to their own donor numbers.

