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Blackbaud acquires Gift Aid records management company

Howard Lake | 6 October 2005 | News

Blackbaud Inc, publishers of nonprofit software package The Raiser’s Edge, has acquired ScanStore Ltd and its Gift Aid form storage and retrieval service for an undisclosed sum.

ScanStore, based in Kent, helps charities to index, store and retrieve images of donors’ Gift Aid claims.

Blackbaud said that it will offer the ScanStore solution to UK charities both as part of its Raiser’s Edge package and as a standalone product for charities using other databases.


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ScanStore is used by a number of UK charities to help them manage large numbers of Gift Aid declaration forms for the seven years that they are required to retain them in case of an audit.

“The ScanStore processes for the scanning of Gift Aid declarations, Direct Debit mandates, and related documents have been reviewed by HM Revenue & Customs (Charities) at Inland Revenue, said Chris Todd, vice president in charge of Blackbaud’s international operations. They have confirmed that these processes will assist their auditors in confirming that donors have made the required Gift Aid declaration to charities.”

