Debate on tsunami appeal 'backlash'

Howard Lake | 14 March 2005 | News

Will UK donors give less to charity after the unprecedented scale of giving to the tsunami disaster appeal? The London regional group of the Institute of Fundraising will be debating this question this week.

Speakers at “The Tsunami backlash, fact or fiction?” debate will be:

Each will give a 10-15 minute presentation of their view of fundraising in the UK following the recent tsunami disaster appeals. There will be a panel question and answer session chaired by Joe Saxton and a networking reception.

The event will be held on 17 March 2005 at the International Students House, 229 Great Portland Street, Regent’s Park, in London. It will begin at 18.00 with registration from 17.30.

The fee for Institute of Fundraising members will be £10 and £15 to non-members.

To book to attend contact Andy Cawdell at Dovetail Management Consultancy.

