Best day to send email? Today

Howard Lake | 14 February 2005 | News

In their first monthly column for the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ website, nonprofit technology experts Rick Christ and Heather Fignar address the question of which day of the week is best to send email to donors.

Tackling the myth that Tuesday or indeed any other day is the best day of the week on which to send an email newsletter or appeal to donors, Christ and Fignar argue that “there is no proof that any day is better than any other”.

They refer to research by email service bureau ExactTarget which found from its clients that “there are no consistent trends indicating any day is better than any other, including weekends”.


The authors conclude with a very practical suggestion: “a recommendation on the best day to mail: today. As soon as you have something that your donors will want to read, get it approved and send it right away. Now is always better than later.”

