CFRE promotion - impact your community, like Josué E. Hernández, MA, CFRE. California, USA

Conference on recruiting and retaining volunteers

Howard Lake | 13 January 2005 | News

Henry Stewart Conference Studies is holding a conference next week focusing on the latest and best practice in recruiting, retaining and training volunteers.

The day-long conference on 20 January 2005 at the Strand Palace Hotel in London includes sessions on fundraising volunteers, engaging volunteers from the corporate sector, and the importance of online volunteering.

Delegate fees for voluntary and public sector staff are £299 + VAT, and £399 + VAT for commercial sector staff.


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Another conference on a similar theme is being held in Bath by the environmental charity Envolve. “Volunteers; Recruiting, Placing and Retaining” will be held on 18 January 2005. Contact Envolve on 01225 787926 .

