Race for Life frequency to be dropped on Isle of Man

Howard Lake | 19 October 2004 | News

Cancer Research UK is to hold its Race for Life on the Isle of Man every other year, rather than annually as it has done to date. The same approach has been adopted for the Channel Islands.

The Isle of Man decision was taken to avoid the event dominating other local fundraising activities, such as the Mighty Oak Appeal.

Katie Birkett, national event executive for Race for Life, told Isle of Man Today: “rather than us coming in every single year we have decided to come every two years, to let you have a year of your own fundraising.


“The Isle of Man has done absolutely fantastic [sic] this year, as it has done for the last six years but we are very much aware we can’t just come and dominate.”

Race for Life will continue to be held annually elsewhere in the UK.

