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Earthwatch Institute Europe launches Threatened Species Campaign

International environmental charity Earthwatch Institute Europe has launched its Threatened Species Campaign.

The money raised will fund urgent conservation work to save the southern river otter and other animals on the brink of extinction.

The charity has sent a personalised letter and leaflet to over 6,000
Earthwatch members and supporters, and the leaflet is also being inserted into BBC Wildlife magazine, Geographical and niche green publications. The appeal asks for a one-off donation.


An introduction to AI for charity professionals by Ross Angus

Earthwatch are also promoting the appeal on their Web site where supporters can donate online, in an e-mail newsletter that is sent to its members and supporters each month, in its members newsletter and in its e-mail signature. The charity is also seeking PR support in regional and national media.

The appeal literature has been produced with support from marketing agency Ideas Unlimited, but overall the appeal has been handled in-house.

