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Community grants website wins European best practice award

Howard Lake | 25 May 2004 | News

A European award that celebrates best practice in making grants information available online has been presented to a community self help website developed by the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA).

The ‘GUIDE Award for Online Excellence in Grant Support’ was presented to SEEDA for their website, set up in October 2003, at the General Assembly of EURADA, the network of Regional Development Agencies from the EU’s 25 member states, in the Czech city of Olomouc.

The EURADA delegates also received a presentation of, the trans-national online grants and inward investment database that is part funded by the European Commission’s eContent programme.


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The GUIDE Award was sponsored by the GUIDE Consortium, which comprises leading European grants consultancies UK-based government-to-business web publisher j4b plc, Madrid-based grants consultant econet and the Dutch grants firm PNO Consultants.

EURADA President, David Walburn, who hosted the award ceremony, also gave special commendation to the websites of ERP-Fonds,, and Tipperary North County Enterprise Board,, which came second and third respectively.

