Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

SURF raise over £10,000 online in one month

Survivors Fund (SURF) raised over £10,000 online in April 2004 for the survivors
of the Rwandan genocide simply by linking to, the online giving site run by AOL UK and CAF (Charities Aid Foundation).

SURF placed the link to on their site to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda, where one million lives were lost in 100 days.

petition on but by donating online,” said SURF Director Mary Kayitesi Blewitt. “The money raised will be used to provide widows with free anti
retroviral medication, which will not only save lives but is vital for the economic regeneration of Rwanda itself.”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now. will be celebrating its second anniversary on 1 July 2004. Over the past two years the Web site has helped raise “hundreds of thousands of pounds for good causes”, according to CAF.

As well as enabling charities to receive secure online donations helps them to promote their cause by posting regular news stories about their work
and activities.

