The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

BBC Lifeline Appeal raises £25,300 for Fauna and Floral International

Fauna and Flora International (FFI) raised £25,300 through the BBC Lifeline Appeal aired in August this year. This is five times more than any other conservation appeal has raised through the BBC appeal.

Through the BBC Lifeline Appeal, Sir David Attenborough made a passionate 10 minute plea on behalf of the mountain gorilla.

The appeal on behalf of the world’s oldest international conservation organisation was supported by a direct mail campaign to FFI’s supporters which was implemented by their agency, Cascaid. Through the pack supporters were encouraged to spread the word about the appeal by sending friends and relatives postcards, which included a hard-hitting image of a gorilla with an injured hand and was accompanied by the strap line – “I thought I’d send you a gorilla… while there are still a few left.”


An introduction to AI, for charity professionals, presented by Ross Angus.

Roger Lawson, Managing Director of Cascaid Marketing said; “One of the strengths of this appeal was FFI’s enlightened approach by including their members in promoting the appeal. Another part of its success is undoubtedly the offering of a variety of ways for people to give. 45% of the response came through text messages, opening up a whole new market for FFI.”

