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Oxfam GB launches first paid-for online ad campaign

Howard Lake | 14 June 2001 | News

Online charity advertising took a significant step forward with the news that Oxfam GB is to run its first paid-for online advertising campaign.

Online charity advertising took a significant step forward with the news that Oxfam GB is to run its first paid-for online advertising campaign. The move from testing to application comes after Oxfam believes it is capable of measuring online adverts’ effectiveness.

Previous online advertising has been possible through donated space. Paid-for advertising will be taken out with the ValueClick network, which is offering the charity a discount. Oxfam will pay only on click-throughs, not impressions, and will measure how many click-throughs convert into donations.


Getting Started with TikTok: An Introduction to Fundraising & Supporter Engagement

Read Monitoring advances lead to first paid-for Oxfam campaign by Chris Dillabough at New Media Age.

