Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

eGiving.com launches

Howard Lake | 19 September 2000 | News

eGiving.com launched today, founded by ActionAid, CARE International, Oxfam, and Save the Children. The site allows donors to give online in three ways at no cost to themselves, all of which will be familiar from other existing online fundraising sites.

eGiving.com launched today, founded by ActionAid, CARE International, Oxfam, and Save the Children. The site allows donors to give online in three ways at no cost to themselves, all of which will be familiar from other existing online fundraising sites. Donors can generate donations by sending and receiving Web-based e-mail, sending an online greetings card, or clicking on a charity button. “Donations” are paid for by commercial sponsors, which currently include Citibank, Grouptrade and Ask Jeeves.

Oxfam have subsequently promoted the launch with via their supporter e-mail list. “Can mice really change the world?” they ask. “Visit www.egiving.com and find out how.” They encourage supporters to “Please visit egiving.com often, and tell your friends, to get your mouse working for Oxfam too!”


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Read Actionaid, Care Int L, Oxfam, And Save the Children Join Forces>/a> at Yahoo! Finance Asia.

For the many other click-to-give-for-free programmes read UK Fundraising’s coverage.

