Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Trinity Mirror Group launches icCommunities

Howard Lake | 8 June 2001 | News

Trinity Mirror Digital Media Group has launched a free Web publishing service for community groups in the UK: icCommunities allows non-profit groups to build, maintain and update their own Web sites using a simple forms-based Web interface.

Trinity Mirror Digital Media Group has launched a free Web publishing service for community groups in the UK: icCommunities allows non-profit groups to build, maintain and update their own Web sites using a simple forms-based Web interface.

The service allows charities to publish contact details, events calendars, news pages and other relevant links. Groups are listed under regional subsections, such as icBerkshire, icNorthWales and icTeeside. The site does not yet feature communities in every town.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Groups signing up get their own domain name, but it is preceded with the “ic” branding. For example, www.icsamaritans.co.uk.

Northcliffe Electronic Publishing, another newspaper publishing company, created a similar free online community Web site, the Beehive, in December 1999.

Find out more from icCommunities.

