Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Yahoo! for Oxfam

Howard Lake | 6 October 1999 | News

Oxfam GB has launched itself as a free Internet Service Provider and stands to raise funds from users’ local dial-up telephone calls. Teaming up with Web portal and media company Yahoo! UK Ltd, the new service is sponsored by Friends Provident. CD’s for the service can be picked up from any Oxfam store.

Yahoo! had previously launched a free ISP with Waterstone’s Bookshop.Unfortunately the full page and quater page adverts in The Guardian and other national newspapers announcing the Yahoo! Oxfam service contained an incorrect URL: didn’t seem to work at the time of publication, although did.

Interestingly the service doesn’t seem to have a name, such as Oxfam Online.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

