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Politicians fundraise online with e-mail

Howard Lake | 19 July 1999 | News

Political leaders in the US are using e-mail to raise funds for their campaigns. Elizabeth Dole raised $37,000 and Senator John McCain raised at least $25,000 via this method. The anti-impeachment online campaign Move On has been even more successful, raising $350,000.

Political leaders in the US are using e-mail to raise funds for their campaigns. Elizabeth Dole raised $37,000 and Senator John McCain raised at least $25,000 via this method. The anti-impeachment online campaign Move On has been even more successful, raising $350,000. However, campaigners for publisher Steve Forbes did not disclose how much money an e-mail appeal in early July had raised.

Senator Robert Dole raised a total of $60,000 online throughout his 1996 campaign, so online income is clearly increasing. McCain and Elizabeth Dole both raised around half of this amount using e-mail alone in under a week.


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Read Rebecca Fairley Raney’s article Candidates Try Asking for Money Via E-Mail in the New York Times. You can also read the text of the e-mail appeals of Elizabeth Dole, John McCain and MoveOn.

