Getting Started with TikTok: An Introduction to Fundraising & Supporter Engagement

ONElist launches periodic fundraising programme

Howard Lake | 19 April 1999 | News

Free e-mail list host ONElist yesterday announced the first in a series of initiatives to encourage the growth of the site’s online communities.

Free e-mail list host ONElist yesterday announced the first in a series of initiatives to encourage the growth of the site’s online communities. ONEreach’s first programme is “Grow to Give” in which ONElist will donate $5,000 each to two charities chosen by the two communities or e-mail lists that grow the most in new subscribers over the next two months. There’s a prize for the most growth in numerical terms and in percentage terms. The communities that win get to nominate their favourite charities. The programme will run

from April 19, 1999 to June 19, 1999 at 11:59 p.m. PDT.


Getting Started with TikTok: An Introduction to Fundraising & Supporter Engagement

