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Greenpeace UK on e-mail fundraising

Howard Lake | 23 October 1998 | News

Annie Moreton, Director of Marketing at Greenpeace UK, is interviewed in this month’s Professional Fundraising magazine. She talks about Greenpeace UK’s use of the Internet. Given Greenpeace’s youthful supporters, one might expect Greenpeace to be using the Internet extensively for fundraising, but this is not the case. It has primarily been seen as an information medium and not a fundraising tool. She is, however, interested in the potential of e-mail. “We have small numbers of people who e-mail us”, she says, “and everything you hear about relationship fundraising says that you should respond to how people choose to communicate.” But she is not sure if the medium is ready to be used for fundraising. “So while people are asking us for information by e-mail, does this mean they would be happy to receive requests in this way?” Interestingly, Moreton plans to test e-mail fundraising in 1999.

