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Annual Fund discussion

Howard Lake | 9 May 1998 | News

The Annual Fund is a common method of fundraising in US universities, but is now spreading to other sectors, such as arts and cultural organisations, and health care organisations. American Philanthropy Review has therefore launched Annual_Fund, a freely-accessible e-mail discussion forum for those professionals involved in Annual Fund fundraising.

he discussion list focuses on all aspects of the annual fund, and will be of interest to professionals working for and on behalf of such nonprofit organizations anywhere in the world who are responsible for raising charitable contributions through the organisation’s annual fund operation. Annual-Fund is open to individuals from any country with an interest in the subject.

To subscribe to Annual_Fund, send an email message to


, and in the body of the message type SUBSCRIBE ANNUAL_FUND Firstname Lastname.


An introduction to AI, for charity professionals, presented by Ross Angus.

