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Yoda takes to Twitter to dispense fundraising wisdom, he does

Howard Lake | 25 July 2013 | Blogs

If you ever doubted the value of Twitter as a fundamental component of your professional fundraising development, prepare to think again. @FundraisingYoda has joined Twitter, and is dispensing fundraising wisdom for free.

No, we don’t know who is behind @FundraisingYoda, but she or he first made contact with some North American fundraisers and fundraising consultants, so that part of the galaxy would be a good guess.

What can you learn from @FundraisingYoda? Here are some of the small green one’s nuggets.


Not thanking donors

Ignore online giving, you must not

Wallets they are not

Ask before thanking

Unfortunately the fundraising Jedi has already departed for another galaxy, possibly due to a cease and desist from Lucasfilm. If you try to communicate with him now, the Dark Side of Twitter has suspended his account.

I was rather hoping to find the message “This is not the account your were looking for”. But taking things too far, that might be…


