Social Enterprise : What it is and Why it Matters

The book grew out of a series of workshops given to general business advisers to raise their awareness of social enterprise. It is designed to demystify social enterprise and provide a clear explanation of what it is and what it is not, both for those who are aware of the third sector and the general reader.

“Very clearly written and informative. I’ve now passed it on to my Finance Manager”.
Chief Executive, Homeless Charity.

“I read your book last week and almost wept – for 5 years I have been looking for a simple, plain speaking and down to earth book for my students – I now have it in your book!”
Centre for Enterprise, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School

“Those new to social enterprise should find the coverage of charity trading, legal structures, the explanations of the terminology, and the arguments for social enterprise as a business model, particularly useful. For me, the book put into words what I’ve had in my head for many years but never been able to articulate.”
Social Enterprise East of England, Newsletter

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