Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Barcamp Nonprofits: cut and paste your own conference

Howard Lake | 13 February 2013 | Blogs

It’s funny how most charity sector conferences and seminars are exactly the same. I don’t mean in terms of speakers, content, quality or venue of course. I am referring to the fact that they all use the same model: a series of speakers who speak for an allotted time at the front and a group of delegates who face them.

That has served us well and will continue to do so. But there are other methods of learning, and Barcamp Nonprofits is one of my favourites.

Imagine turning up to a one-day event not knowing who the speakers are and what they are going to talk about. Imagine realising that you and all the other delegates are the speakers. That might sound a bit like the nightmare of turning up to work in your pyjamas.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

In fact, it’s not like that at all. A barcamp is a friendly, fascinating and surprisingly enjoyable day where you get to make the most of your time.

No tents involved, and yes, a bar is usually involved, but that’s for the end of the day where you can continue any discussions in a nearby pub.

In other words, it’s down to you to cut and paste the day to your needs.

Everyone has a different Barcamp Nonprofits experience. That’s its value, and that’s why I’ll be there again. UK Fundraising is also one of the sponsors of the event.



