Getting a refund from E.ON? Then why not donate it to Age UK?
E.ON has admitted overcharging customers following price rises and incorrectly imposing exit fees when they decided to leave. This has resulted in Ofgem forcing the company to refund 94,000 customers an average of £15 each. E.ON will also pay £300,000 into a fund run by its charity trading partner Age UK that works to maximise the income of older people. Additionally, any cheques not cashed, will be added to the fund.
However, if you’re one of those about to receive such a refund from E.ON, you might want to consider donating a equal sum to Age UK making sure you gift-aid your donation – that way the charity will benefit even more from this situation and your support. As Mrs Doyle nearly said "Go E.ON, Go E.ON, ah Go E.ON!"