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Media Trust offers grants for community groups to use digital

Howard Lake | 17 May 2011 | News

The Media Trust has opened applications for its second Community Voices scheme. Funded by Nominet Trust, it is designed to help give disadvanged, isolated or voiceless communities the confidence, skills, and resources they need to use digital media “to make a meaningful difference to their lives”.
This year’s scheme, which applies across the UK, will focus on communities who feel voiceless due to long-term illness, older age, or disability.
Media Trust’s Marketing & Communications Services Director, Gavin Sheppard, said: “The Community Voices scheme has already been a huge success, enabling us to support 48 disadvantaged and isolated communities and touching the lives of more than 60,000 people”.
Community Voices aims to showcase various ways of utilising digital media to make a difference, whether communities are brand new to digital or already have experience but require additional support.

Applications for support can be made online or by email, post, telephone or in person. The closing date for applications is midday on 13 June 2011.

