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New guide to key media contacts in UK's fundraising sector published

UK Fundraising has published a guide to the key media contacts in the UK’s fundraising sector, to help fundraising and philanthropy companies better target their services and products.
‘Key media contacts in the UK’s fundraising sector’ is not simply a list of the sector’s publications. It accepts that the ‘media’ has grown far beyond the traditional print and online publications. Consequently, the guide also features key bloggers, significant groups and networks on social network sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, and of course influential Twitterers.
UK Fundraising’s publisher Howard Lake said: “We are often asked by fundraising companies, including start-ups, for information on the key people to reach in the sector. While any of them or their PR agencies could do the research legwork to pull this together, we use these networks and tools on a regular basis so are up to date with the who, what and where of influence”.
The nine-page document is also designed for PR agencies or advisers at fundraising companies and agencies, and PR staff at charities.
Lake added: “Together these publications, locations and people should help to get your fundraising product, service or other development noticed by a lot of the people that matter”.
The guide costs £190 to download from UK Fundraising’s Shop. It is published in a limited edition of 50 copies. Purchasers will benefit from several updates to the document at no extra charge, receiving an email to let them know of a new version.

