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University of St Andrews launches £300mn fundraising campaign

Melanie May | 3 October 2024 | News

Torchlight parade through St Andrews
Torchlight parade through St Andrews

The University of St Andrews seeks to raise £300 million through its campaign to support scholarships, research, academic programmes, and sustainability initiatives.

Called Making Waves, the campaign focuses on supporting four key areas:

The development of the University’s first new college in nearly 300 years – called New College, which will foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and bring together the School of International Relations and a new Business School. The Business School’s aim will be to develop globally minded leaders with the ambition, knowledge, and skills to create a more prosperous and sustainable world through research, education, and partnerships.


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The development of a hub for research in artificial intelligence, data science, and computer systems, called the Digital Nexus Building. This will be a facility for the School of Computer Science and will facilitate collaboration between scientists and medical researchers, with the aim of creating an environment for research that addresses critical global challenges.

Scholarships and bursaries to help the university continue supporting and attracting top-tier students.

New academic positions will also be created through Endowed Chairs with the aim of attracting leading researchers and educators to St Andrews.

University Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Sally Mapstone FRSE, said:

“Our ambitious Making Waves campaign is fundamentally about the restless power of ideas, the people who have them, and the environment in which we shape and challenge the brightest minds.


“Making Waves is more than a fundraising initiative, it’s a transformative movement for the future of St Andrews and the world. It encapsulates our vision to break boundaries, foster innovation, and attract the brightest minds to our University. By investing in critical projects such as the New College and Digital Nexus, we are creating spaces where interdisciplinary research and teaching can thrive. These new developments will enable us to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time, from sustainability to global health. But this is only possible with the support of our community. Every scholarship funded, every research chair endowed, and every brick laid represents a collective belief in the power of education to shape a better future.


“With a focus on fostering global leaders and advancing research that benefits society, Making Waves represents a bold step forward in St Andrews’ vision for the future.”

The campaign was officially unveiled with a series of events throughout St Andrews, including a torchlight parade through the town.

