Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Archers actress presents BBC Radio 4 Appeal in aid of the Mental Health Foundation

Howard Lake | 8 January 2010 | News

Patricia Gallimore, who plays the character Pat Archer in the longstanding BBC drama series, will present a Mental Health Foundation Radio 4 Appeal to raise awareness of the devastating impact that mental illness can have on the lives of sufferers and their families.
The charity’s appeal explains the need for more mental health research, which is chronically underfunded when compared to cancer and heart disease despite the fact that 1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem each year. The Foundation carries out vital research to find treatments and improve services to help those whose lives are affected by mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, dementia or bipolar disorder.
The Archers actress Patricia Gallimore, who in the appeal tells the story about a woman who lost her life to suicide, said:
“I’m really pleased to be involved in the making of this Radio 4 Appeal. A mental health problem hit my family 15 or so years ago as a result of prolonged stress and I know the effect that it can have on a person and their loved ones. Luckily we got good advice from our GP and support from friends and relatives, which all helped to get us through a horrible period in our lives.
“Even though many children, adults and older people suffer from mental ill health, it is rarely discussed openly because of the stigma and shame. Charities like the Mental Health Foundation need our support to bring the subject out into the open. Far more needs to be done to help individuals and their families, and I hope Radio 4 listeners will be generous in their support of the Foundation.”
To make a donation visit the Radio 4 website or telephone 0800 404 8144. Or write a cheque payable to the ‘Mental Health Foundation’ and post it to ‘FREEPOST, Radio 4 Appeal’. On the back of the cheque please write your full name and address. Mark the back of your envelope ‘Mental Health Foundation’.
The appeal will be broadcast on Sunday 24th January 2010 at 7.55am & 9.26pm and repeated on Thursday 28th January 2010 at 3.27pm. Tune in to BBC Radio 4 at 92-94 FM, 198 Long Wave. Listen online again at

Notes to Editors

For further details please contact the press office team on 020 7803 1130 / 1128 or 07967 586489 (out-of-hours).
The Mental Health Foundation ( uses research and practical projects to help people survive, recover from and prevent mental health problems. We work to influence policy, including government at the highest levels. And we use our knowledge to raise awareness and to help tackle the stigma attached to mental illness. We reach millions of people every year through our media work, information booklets and online services. Registered Charity No: (England & Wales) 801130: (Scotland) SC 039714.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

