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Sussex Tikvah merges into Norwood

Howard Lake | 25 March 2009 | News

Brighton care home Sussex Tikvah has merged with Norwood, following an Extraordinary General Meeting last Sunday.
Jewish charity Norwood supports children, families and adults, coping with learning disabilities and social disadvantage.
Sussex Tikvah operates a single registered care home, the Rachel Mazzier House, which is home to six adults with moderate learning disabilities.
“We are pleased to expand our services into the South-East and welcome Sussex Tikvah to join Norwood’s high-quality residential services for adults with learning disabilities.” said Norma Brier, chief executive of Norwood. “We will continue to develop person-centred plans with the residents to ensure that they receive the services they need, and to help them achieve their full potential in life.”
The Trustees of Sussex Tikvah have pledged their support to Norwood.

