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Lightning Fast Foundation auctions PlayStation 3 with buyoncegivetwice

Howard Lake | 17 December 2008 | News

New organisation the Lightning Fast Foundation is auctioning a PlayStation 3 on the website. The games console was donated by communications and power companies, Avaya and Eaton. The proceeds will be donated to Bulembu UK.
The auction will also be discussed live on Premier Radio in the UK this Saturday on the Big Breakfast at 9.45 with Tony Miles and Lizzie Crow.
As well as the PlayStation, the Lightning Fast clothing brand will donate two t-shirts together with a personally addressed, signed Lightning Fast thank you certificate.
The auction was set up for the Lightning Fast Foundation by buyoncegivetwice in less than 24 hours to ensure it happened before Christmas.
The auction begins on Friday and will close at the beginning of next week.
Eaton will ship the prize to arrive in time for Christmas.

